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Texas Medical Group Blog


News Brief - Proposed Overtime Rule Expected in October 2022

在最近的春季监管议程中,美国政府表示.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced its plans to issue a proposed overtime rule in October 2022. According to the agency’s regulatory agenda, this proposed rule is...

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988: America's First Three-digit Mental Health Crisis Line - The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (生命线)于7月16日在全国开播. 类似于在医疗紧急情况下拨打911,人们在情绪困扰或...

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Workplace Wellness Programs to Reduce Workers’ Compensation Costs

通过实施工作场所卫生倡议, 许多公司正在采取积极措施,帮助减少影响员工的健康问题. This is particularly important because of the following: The...

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药物错误和药物不良事件是整个医疗保健领域的高风险领域. 尽管多年来采取了多种干预措施, issues related to medication safety still prove challenging for...

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Technological advancements in healthcare have helped improve access to, options for, and convenience of care. Healthcare delivered via telecommunication technology (telehealth), 已经成为越来越受欢迎的和...

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Live Well, Work Well - July 2022

- The Benefits of Seasonal Produce - In today’s supermarket, it’s normal to see the same produce available year-round. However, that doesn’t mean the quality always remains the same. Eating seasonally means you are...

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